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Wife of murdered Marine breaks down in court as she’s forced to listen to her 911 call


The trial of two men accused of killing a US Marine outside of a Lexington, Kentucky bar entered its second day on Thursday, with the slain Leatherneck’s grieving widow taking the stand.

Dawan Mulazim and Quincinio Canada are accused of killing Marine Jonathan Price and wounding his wife, Megan Price, in 2014, using a Springfield XDS .45 pistol reported stolen in a previous robbery at a hotel.

Mrs. Price was celebrating her birthday with her husband on that fateful night, and was leaving a local bar when she looked up and saw two armed men approach them.

“I remember a barrel pointed at Jonathan’s head,” Mrs. Price said in her testimony, recalling the murder on June 21, 2014. “I heard a gun fire and I fell to the ground.”

According to LEX18, the 911 recording from the incident revealed that the wounded Mrs. Price tried to get her husband to respond, repeating the words “I love you, Jonathan.”

Surveillance footage from the scene was played in the courtroom by the prosecution at the same time the call recording was being played, showing the attack on the young Marine.

The combination proved too much for Mrs. Price, who broke down in the courtroom.

In the aftermath of the robbery, Mrs. Price was stripped of her husband and sixty dollars as she was left to die by her attackers. Saved by emergency services, she was in a wheelchair for seven weeks.

Mulazim and Canada -who are related and refer to each other as “nephew” and “unk”- were identified as the perpetrators, even using the very same XDS .45 handgun that was stolen in the aforementioned hotel robbery, where one of them was heard referring to the other by their nicknames.

The defendants’ attorneys are claiming that DNA evidence will clear them of the crime, with Mulazim’s lawyer, Andrea Kendall, telling the jury that hat police arrested Mulazim and Canada because they were under pressure to solve this high-profile case during a particularly deadly summer.

Megan and Jonathan Price were married on August 3, 2013. They had been married for ten months and nineteen days.

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