Home News Treasury Secretary Mnuchin requested military jet for honeymoon travel

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin requested military jet for honeymoon travel


WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department says that concerns about secure communications with government agencies is what prompted Secretary Steven  to inquire about using a government plane for his European honeymoon in August.

In a statement, the department says the request for a government plane was withdrawn because a “secure communications option was identified” without the use of a government plane, though some sources say it was flat-out denied first.

 and his wife Louise Linton were married in June in a ceremony conducted by Vice-President Mike Pence and attended by President Donald Trump and a number of members of Trump’s Cabinet. The two went on a honeymoon in August to Scotland, France, and Italy.

Treasury’s statement says that it was “imperative” that Munchin have access to secure communications when he travels.

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