Home Career and Education Sykes Home: Employment for Veterans and Military Spouses

Sykes Home: Employment for Veterans and Military Spouses


sykes home alpine accessSYKES Home provides employment solution for veterans and military spouses

Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated is committed to helping our country’s military personnel and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep us all safe.

SYKES Home powered by Alpine Access has hired more than 1,000 veterans and military spouses in the past year and is a member of the White House’s Joining Forces initiative. These new employees are working in various capacities within our virtual contact center environment, from at-home customer care professionals to managers.

Our goal is to hire at least 2,000 more. Why? Simply put: Veterans and military spouses make outstanding employees.

Veterans are highly disciplined and responsible – traits developed through years of training and dedicated service to our country. This makes them well suited for a variety of positions within a virtual customer contact environment.

SYKES Home jobs are ideally suited to the military lifestyle, offering:

Portability. Employees work out of their homes, when it comes time to move, the job moves with them.

Advancement opportunities. Many of our military hires have moved up quickly at SYKES Home into supervisory roles.

Flexibility. Working from home eliminates commutes, and flexible schedules are available to accommodate child care needs or the care of an elderly or injured relative.

A steady paycheck. It can be tough financially for military personnel to move into civilian life. SYKES Home provides firm financial footing that eases the transition.

Spousal employment is a huge issue for military families. A recent survey by Blue Star Families found spousal employment opportunities to be one of the top three concerns of military families, alongside military pay and benefits.

SYKES Home has provided a way forward for many veterans and military spouses. The stories of several employees are being featured this month on the SYKES blog.

Consider Stephanie Oxendine, a military spouse who struggled to find a good job following a 10-year break to raise her kids. Her luck turned when she found SYKES Home. She’s thrived in her new career, quickly moving into a supervisory role.

“At SYKES Home, I was able to move up the ladder more quickly than I would have expected,” Oxendine said. “Every day is something different – a different goal, a different challenge to overcome. I love it.”

Annette McCrae’s world changed when she learned that her husband had been badly injured in Desert Storm. For two decades, she struggled to both provide for her family and be available to care for her husband. A job at SYKES Home finally provided peace of mind.

“It’s been a true blessing,” McCrae said. “The best part of the job is I’m able to pick and choose my schedule. I usually choose the late shift so I can run errands during the day and take care of my husband.”

Army veteran Glen Gregory carried training-ground injuries with him for years, but he had to quit his warehouse job when the pain finally grew too much to bear. The prospect of starting over at nearly 50 proved daunting for Gregory – until he found SYKES Home.

“The job is so rewarding. Every day I get to help people solve their problems. And if I need to, I can take a quick break and stretch my knees and back,” he said. “I never thought I’d be happy in a desk job, but SYKES Home has given me the freedom I’ve been searching for all these years.”

SYKES Home powered by Alpine Access is hiring. To learn more or apply for a position, visit https://www.alpineaccess.com/index.php/

This is a sponsored post paid for by Sykes.

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