Home Semper Feisty Radio Semper Feisty Recap: MSOY 2013, Random Acts of Kindness and New Years...

Semper Feisty Recap: MSOY 2013, Random Acts of Kindness and New Years Resolutions


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Semper Feisty RadioWe are back in action after taking a break during the holidays. We are ready for 2013 and we’re talking about what the New Year is bringing along with it.

SEGMENT ONE: We dished the 2013 Military Spouse of the Year Program that were just released this week. I’ve met and worked alongside some former branch winners and nominees of the past and I am confident that there are some amazing ladies truly making a difference out there.  This year, I’ve been nominated for the 2013 Military Spouse of the Year and am truly honored and humbled by all of you. Jennifer Pilcher also joined the show from Military One Click, who is also a Navy wife nominee.

I’ve checked out some of the other nominees and there are a lot of really great candidates out there. It will be a gripping ride to watch the process take place.

  • Want to meet other nominees? The nominees can be viewed January 9-21st.
  • Want to vote? The first found of voting will take place on January 22nd.

SEGMENT TWO: We dished Random Acts of Kindness with fellow Marine Corps spouse Karisa Joseph, who is in the works of starting her own foundation for RAoK. Small gestures can go such a long way in the world and many things don’t cost a thing. Some great examples, opening doors for others, walking a neighbor’s dog, giving others compliments, give another driver your parking spot, and saying thank you.

My new video offers ten ways for military families to participate and pass kindness along to others using really simple things to make someone else smile. Please join in with the movement and share this video with others and practice some of these Random Acts of Kindness on your base or out in town.

We also discussed the woman who ran into the teenager at the Walmart parking lot and how we feel about that… and how we’ve responded when other people have yelled inappropriately at us.

SEGMENT THREE: Do you make New Years Resolutions? We discussed our part year’s resolutions and new ones are making this year. We talked about some of the top resolutions, which are to lose weight, get healthy, get organized, enjoy life to the fullest, quit smoking, fall in love, and spend more time with family. We also discussed the role of happiness in life and how to go about finding it.

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