There’s a new book out there making waves and it was just published yesterday. It’s titled, “Embarrassing Confessions of a Marine Lieutenant: Operation Branding Iron 2.1A”.
Marine Veteran Donny O’Malley began writing a blog when he was in the Wounded Warrior Regiment which struck home with other Marines. He continued his writing and turned it into a book. But he doesn’t think everyone is going to like or even agree with it.
Amazon even banned it from publication and subsequently released it after he made contact with the company, according to his blog. O’Malley offers the following about the book:
Book Description:
A Marine Infantry Officer confesses his lust for killing and fucking everything in sight, his desire to beat his boss’s face in and frag the battalion staff, his willingness to risk Afghan civilians in order to save Marines, his burning desire to win a game of gay chicken at all costs, his personal mission to nail the combat reporter who joined his unit, his sexual arousal at the sight of ED (Enemy Death), and his inability to take serious things seriously; while planning and executing the last combat operation of his deployment in Afghanistan; a nighttime helicopter raid named, Operation Branding Iron Part 2.1A. (Continued from National Geographic’s “Battlefield Afghanistan”)
This is undoubtedly the most honest and raw account of an Officer’s thoughts and actions during combat that has ever been written. After publishing this book, Donny O’Malley’s job options are now reduced to low level sales and day labor construction. It is still unclear how he ever made it out of the Marines without court martial.
Senior officer’s will slam him, military historians will be shocked, and all civilians will be 100% certain he’s psychotic.
Fortunately, the book is written for the opposite of those mentioned above. It’s written for Enlisted guys.
Officers who are brave enough to read will either cry themselves to sleep, jerk themselves off to Donny’s picture, or will ask their buddies to write them up for an award with V for having the moral courage to finish the book.