Many military members and spouses begin their own companies for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’re an accidental entrepreneur or you’ve always wanted to own your own business. Maybe the idea of being your own boss appeals to you. Whatever your reason, there’s a lot of great programs out there to support you.
Have you heard of INC Magazine? They’re one of my favorites! I was accepted into their Military Entrepreneur program last October and was accepted back into the program as a Mentor this October. Read about my experiences at the INC 500/5000 conference and why my heart was overflowing with the amount of support from all of the people there.
Applications are open for you to join this fantastic program. This year, the conference is in Washington D.C. and the deadline for applying is October 1, 2013, so act now. Click to download the INC 5000 Military Entrepreneur Program.
If you’re not ready to jump into the INC program, check out these other programs geared towards our veterans.
American Corporate Sponsors: One on one mentor program for 12 months with a corporate connection in your field. They may be able to provide connections with investors, advisers, and more.
InclineHq: A program to teach you how to become a junior programmer.
TechStars: Looking to help tech-start ups through a focused, intense program.
Victory Spark: Perfect for veteran start ups where companies chosen receive $20k in exchange for a small portion of equity.
Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities: Offers training to post 9/11 veterans with disabilities with training in business entrepreneurship, developing skills, and leveraging programs which can help you out. Even better? This is a fully funded program where they pay for transportation including flights, cost of attendance, meals and lodging.
Wherever your road takes you, know that there are companies who support you and want you to succeed. Start applying today and make your dreams into reality!
Entrepreneur possibilities?