Waiting for Base Housing
If you are currently on the list for base housing and nothing is available for you, the government will pay to move your goods out to your temporary destination. Once you are assigned goverment quarters, the military will move you again to get on base. Note, breaking your lease to move onto base housing is not a valid reason. You will be responsible for any fines or rent due according to the lease you signed.
Military Housing Forms for PCS’ing
If you want to get into base housing, you will need to turn in some forms. While you can get put on the advanced housing waiting list, you ultimately will not be put into rotation until your Marine checks in for duty. If there is housing available, you will receive a home. If not, you will get put onto a waiting list and will have to find alternative arrangements until a house becomes available. If housing is not available, the Marine Corps will move you for FREE through TMO onto your base home.
You are required to have the following:
DD Form 1746 (Application for Assignment to Housing)
A copy of orders showing your detachment dates
Certification of bona fide family members. Examples of acceptable forms of documentation are the Emergency Data Application (page 2), here’s a blank RED (Record of Emergency Data) but you will need to get your proper one, or a copy of DEER’s enrollment (here’s a blank Uniformed Services ID Card Application so you can see the difference).
Sex Offender Information Sheet (some bases require it and others don’t)
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
When you are in transit and have moved out of goverment quarters, you will receive BAH from your former duty station until you check into your new duty station. Once you are checked in to the new duty station, your BAH will adjust higher or lower depending on the allowance you qualify for. If you live out in town, you are already receiving BAH and will adjust once you check in to your new duty station.
Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA)
Is designed to reimburse you for overseas costs associated with living in privately-owned or privately-leased quarters. It addresses 3 specific needs: one-time rent-related expenses, modification of homes for security protection and the initial cost of making a home habitable. The State Department determines whether a location is ”high threat”. This is available OCONUS only. MIHA rates change with currency rates and location so see your base relocation manager.
Advance Basic Allowance for Housing
Is an advance against your normal BAH to help you cope with the costs of rental housing off base. This is available for CONUS and OCONUS moves. For CONUS moves up to 3 months’ BAH is available and for OCONUS moves up to 12 months’ BAH is available. Note: unit commanders must authorize advances in BAH. Payback requirements are determined by the length of the tour.
Advance Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)
Is an advance against any projected OHA to cover the difference between the cost of economy rental housing and the BAH. Except in unusual cases, advances are limited to 12 months OHA. OHA should not exceed one year’s allowances.