A US Marine has written an open letter to the general handling her sexual misconduct case- sparking controversy in a time when Marines speaking out to the press has become somewhat taboo.
The female Marine, who was reportedly asked to provide the general -presumed to be Major General Francis L. Donovan of the 2nd Marine Division- in relation to a sexual misconduct case, seemingly took it to the next level by posting the letter on a major military news publication’s website.
“Last month, I was asked to provide you with a written recommendation after my complaint of military sexual trauma was substantiated,” the Marine wrote in Task & Purpose. “As this is a topic that continues to affect more than 50 percent of American servicewomen, I’ve decided to do so in an open letter. I believe that our best chance at changing this pervasive culture of abuse is by raising the iron curtain that usually keeps our military and civilian worlds apart, and engaging the American public in honest, transparent conversations.”
The Marine requested that the officer who sexually harassed her be kicked from his position- and possibly the USMC.
“Here is my recommendation,” she wrote. “I respectfully request that the Marine officer who continuously sexually harassed me over the course of several months not be allowed to remain in the service, let alone hold command.”
The female Marine then went on to speak directly to the general in question, accusing him of not holding the responsible party accountable.
“I am disappointed by the lack of action taken so far to hold this Marine accountable,” she wrote. “Sir, you know what he did to me. You read the 100-page investigation that looked into and confirmed the unwelcome sexual advances; the deliberate and repeated offensive comments, including accusing me of being ‘a high-class escort.’”
The accused reportedly attempted to control the female Marine in many aspects of her life.
“The salacious, rampant rumors he started about me that not only harmed my career, but also affected officers of much higher rank; the attempts to control what I wore, and who I spent my time with; the frightening, alcohol-triggered mood swings and subsequent oscillation between verbal berating and sycophantic praise,” she wrote.
“He had turned Camp Barrett into the most hostile workplace I had ever known,” she added.
The female Marine requested justice for not only herself but all victims of sexual abuse.
“Sir, I ask you to reconsider such a mild reprimand in light of the abuse I suffered,” she wrote. “This is not what closure — nor justice — looks like.”
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