The man accused of shooting a California Highway Patrolman during a traffic stop is a US Marine veteran- and his family claims he has issues.
Pejhmaun Iraj Khosroabadi, who enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2008 and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, is accused of opening fire on a CHP patrolman.
“I think it’s important we shed light on this situation because mental health is a big issue,” said his cousin, Shamaya Shayesteh.
Shayesteh and other family members claim that not only did Khosroabadi lose five of his buddies in combat, but he recently lost several others, including one who took his life several days ago.
The family laments that Khosroabadi did what he did, and feels sorrow for the patrolman and his family.
“Our deepest sympathy and prayers and we hope for godspeed for a speedy recovery,” said his brother Robert Thompson-Khosroabadi. “We have law enforcement in our family.”
According to CBS News, Khosroabadi’s traffic stop took place in Studio City. His family said he was delivering toys to a cousin who has autism before shooting the officer.
After shooting the patrolman, the Marine veteran fled to a tent in Van Nuys, but surrendered after police initiated a 12-hour manhunt.
The patrolman is expected to survive.
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