Home News Marine under investigation after allegedly making sexist comments on “Hell’s Kitchen”

Marine under investigation after allegedly making sexist comments on “Hell’s Kitchen”

Sgt. Frank Cala Marine Corps culinary team
Mark Allison, the dean of culinary arts for Johnson and Wales University, with Lance Cpl. Charmaine Jackson and Cpl. Frank Cala after they won the third quarter Culinary Team of the Quarter, Oct. 18, 2011. (U.S. Marine Corps/Cpl. Damany S. Coleman)

Is it a case of sour grapes? A Marine sergeant made insulting remarks about women while he was featured on a popular reality TV show. Now, Marine officials are reviewing the sexist comments to see what further action, if any, will be taken.

Sgt. Frank Cala currently works in Washington, D.C., as an executive chef for the Marines and is the personal chef to the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Cala is a seven-year active duty Marine originally from Staten Island, NY, who enlisted in the Corps when he was 19 — according to SI Live.

When he had an opportunity to go on Fox’s hit show, Hell’s Kitchen, Cala says he jumped at the chance.

It was his comments that he made as he departed the show during the 12th episode of the 15th season — that landed him in hot water.

During his confessional interview, Cala said: “The blue team never had any drama until the females came aboard… That’s when the ship sunk. And that’s exactly why I get [bleeped] female Marines and I send them back wherever [bleeped] they came from.”

Sgt. Bryan Nygaard with Recruiting Station Baltimore said, “Sergeant Cala’s comments toward the end of the episode are not consistent with the Marine Corps’ values of honor, courage and commitment.”

Cala has received numerous awards for his skills in the kitchen, including as a Marine food specialist and winner of the Culinary Team of the Quarter competition aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in 2011.

SI Live reported in January of this year that “the New York native reveals a love for modern Italian food, but with a French influence.”

Cala told the publication he wanted to go on Hell’s Kitchen as a tribute to a very good friend who passed away several years ago. That friend, Randy “Capone” Klasert, was also Cala’s sergeant and culinary mentor. He says Klasert is the one who taught him that passion is the key ingredient to any great dish.

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  1. Well I hope the female Marines that he was in charge of and in his words “Sent back to where they came from” have some type of retribution for his obvious bias towards females. I am former female veteran and I served my country with pride to the best of my ability and I am very offended that someone like this could have been in a position of power. He obviously unfairly affected a number of careers by his own confession based solely on gender. I am surprised he made the rank he is. He doesn’t appear to be very bright. I mean really? Confess to sexual discrimination and unfair employment practices on television in front of America. Nice Going Einstein. I hope you end up making little rocks out of big rocks in Leavenworth Kansas.

    • At first first I was all for the guy because he was a marine and all. Some of the things he said made it obvious he was a real ass, editing or not. He treated that Manda girl like crap once it was obvious she was better than him. Not cool

  2. Of course those in his chain of command will come to his defense. They accuse the producers at Hell’s Kitchen of creatively editing the outgoing comments to purposely reflect badly.

    OK, Hell’s Kitchen – provide the military brass with a copy of the unedited tape and see if what he said was indeed taken out of context. Story over.

  3. In 2016 as a woman I can supervise. I can negotiate contracts. I can be taken seriously as business woman and as a valuable member of the team. My husband has women at many managing levels… Still somehow the military (which I have served in) there’s such a boys club that a man can feel so strongly about a woman working amongst them that he’d boldly state it on tv in a self righteous declaration that should astonish any man working in corporate America or even in an international capacity. (Where it is totally normal to work for women all over the world who supervise.)

    This kind of thinking needs to be rooted out of the military. If for no other reason, because it will work against servicemen when they enter the real world).


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