Home News Marine Corps offering up to $90k reenlistment bonuses for certain jobs

Marine Corps offering up to $90k reenlistment bonuses for certain jobs


US Marines are looking at some serious re-enlistment bonuses for in-demand fields, according to officials.

The 2019 Selective Retention Bonus Program includes several re-up incentives for air traffic controllers and infantry squad leaders, as well as “kickers” for first-term marines to get $40,000 bonuses to laterally move into harder-to-fill roles.

According to Military.com, the USMC has allocated $136 million in retention bonus/kicker money.

“Selective-retention bonuses are offered every year in MOSs where we need to ensure there’s been an investment in that field,” an official with the Marine Corps’ Manpower and Reserve Affairs said in a statement. “Whether they’re first-term Marines or careerists in that field, we want to incentivize them into staying when their skill sets are needed on the outside as well.”

In some fields, Marines could be eligible to pocket up to $90,000 in bonus cash, particularly in jobs such as intelligence, recruiting and aircraft maintenance.

The program includes four “kickers,” which can be doled out in addition to retention bonuses for specific fields. In order to qualify, one needs to:

Submit reenlistment packages early, between July 5 and September 30, in one of 50 specified primary occupational specialties. This will earn an extra $10,000 early reenlistment kicker.

Volunteer for special-duty assignments, from recruiter to drill instructor and Marine security guard detachment commander. This earns an extra $20,000 SDA kicker.

Be a Marine serving as an air-traffic controller. Those who re-up for 48 months will be eligible for a $20,000 air-traffic controller kicker.

Serve in specific aircraft-maintenance jobs and agree to serve at least half of their four-year re-enlistment in that same field. This earns an extra $20,000 in the form of an aircraft-maintenance kicker bonus.

While first-term Marines in 42 MOSs can qualify for bonuses, the highest bonuses are reserved for Marines in counterintelligence, reconnaissance, critical skills operations, cyberspace, explosive ordnance disposal, skill designator, and aviation logistics information management system specialties.

Marines can view the full details by meeting with their career planners.

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