WASHINGTON — The Marine Corps has completed three command-level investigations into allegations of abuse and maltreatment at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, to include an investigation into circumstances surrounding the March 18, 2016, death of Recruit Raheel Siddiqui.
Findings from the Siddiqui investigation conclude that Siddiqui’s death was the result of suicide. Additionally, the investigations revealed departures from the policies and procedures established for Marine Corps recruit training, specifically within three platoons within Third Recruit Training Battalion. Commanders and senior enlisted advisors at the series, company, battalion and regimental level were relieved in the wake of Recruit Siddiqui’s death and a number of drill instructors have been suspended. Currently, twenty Recruit Training Regiment personnel have been identified for possible military justice or administrative action.
The findings of the investigations include allegations of:
– Recurrent physical and verbal abuse of recruits by drill instructors, with a noted insufficiency of oversight and supervision at various command levels;
– Improper assignment of a drill instructor for duty while under investigation for previous allegations of assault and hazing;
– Maltreatment of new drill instructors by more experienced drill instructors;
– Gaps in awareness by commanders regarding their roles within the command investigation process; and,
– Anomalies and inconsistencies in the policies and procedures responding to suicidal ideations or statements.
Training and Education Command officials have initiated immediate actions at our recruit training depots to prevent the recurrence of issues identified in the investigations, to include:
– Mandatory suspension of personnel who are being investigated for recruit abuse, hazing, or maltreatment;
– Additional visibility and reviews of investigations above the regimental level;
– Modification of the assignment process for drill instructors and officers;
– The cessation of any practice that is based on differentiating between drill instructors of differing experience levels (with the exception of the Senior Drill Instructor billet);
– Establish and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for “hat-hazing” (or hazing among drill instructors);
– Increased officer presence and supervision of training; and,
– Review and revise mental health processes, procedures, and suicide prevention protocols.
“I fully support and endorse these initial actions,” said Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Robert Neller.
“When America’s men and women commit to becoming Marines, we make a promise to them. We pledge to train them with firmness, fairness, dignity and compassion. Simply stated, the manner in which we make Marines is as important as the finished product. Recruit training is, and will remain, physically and mentally challenging so that we can produce disciplined, ethical, basically-trained Marines,” said Neller.
Neller added, “We mourn the loss of Recruit Siddiqui, and we will take every step necessary to prevent tragic events like this from happening again.”
For more information media representatives should contact the Office of U.S. Marine Corps Communication at (703) 614-4309 or via email at ontherecord@usmc.mil, and Training and Education Command at (703) 432-8164. Copies of the investigations will be posted to the Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps FOIA website at: http://www.hqmc.marines.mil/Agencies/USMC-FOIA/frr/.
–Marine Corps Press Release
Let’s make softer Marines.
This is so stupid. I was there just about to graduate when that kid commuted suicide he went to mhu for like a week straight but he was cleared as fine but the recruits even said that kid was crazy and had problems. Even some of the navy personnel said he wasn’t right in the head. Maybe if people can’t handle the marine corps they shouldn’t join. That’s why it is an option. Nobody is making you do it your doing it because you want to. If you don’t want your kids to join don’t let them. Don’t make us change the rules so the new marines will be weak
Ok but some people join thinking they can handle it and want to serve and protect but then go and realize that the marines isn’t for them that they cant take all the damn screaming , mean , rude comments that them sargents be sayin to them and I just recently heard that some sargents be abusing the recurits … maybe he realized and wanted to be out but he knew that there was no easier way out but to take his life , don’t get me wrong I appreciate the army , marines , navy seals etc but some of the rules to serving is pretty fucked up and should be changed
I served for 12 years as a proud Marine before being called by a higher power for service (1970-1976 active; 1978 – 1984 Ready Reserves). During my Boot Camp days at Parris Island to say that we were hazed would be an understatement. However, our Instructors knew how to push us and then how to back off. I even remember within the first few weeks having started, and after a day of demoralizing training, our Drill Instructors called us together in the barracks. They expressed their disappointment in us and said they were discussing the very real possibility of having us start over from day one (talk about using psychology). After we dropped our heads in defeat, one DI stepped forward. He shared the idea of their task of making a marine and what becoming a Marine means. I learned that they were not trying to “break us” but to “make us” – make us Marines. The Senior DI then asked if anyone thought that they could not make it through boot camp to come forward and they would be given a ticket home. Three recruits accepted (little did we know that they were simply sent to what was called the Motivational Platoon. The rest of us was told to get a good nights rest and a decision would be forthcoming about restarting training. Of course the next morning we were told that we would continue. In all my time in Boot Camp, I heard the “N” word once. And when I would meet this DI again six months later after completing Advance Infantry Training, he was the first to offer me a beer. To this day I still think of my Drill Instructors with fond memories. They kept me safe and they kept me alive, and I am a better person because of them.
That being said – If I send my grandson or granddaughter to any Military organization and they cannot make it in boot camp, do not push them to the point of suicide, just send them back to me alive and well.
Semper Fi