Have you heard about the new Commissary Rewards card? This card rewards shoppers with the ability to load coupons onto the card for redemption at checkout. The commissary will provide a database of manufacturer coupons which you can basically choose and preload onto your card. I haven’t seen the database yet, so I’m not sure how many coupons will actually be available, but it appears that you may still bring in paper coupons if the electronic coupons aren’t available. According to the Rewards FAQ’s page, new coupons will be loaded approximately every two to three weeks. The Rewards card is beginning its initial test phase with 30 stores this August beginning with Fort Lee.
You may have read an earlier post where I compared pricing in the commissary with grocery stores out in town and Costco to find a comparison with money saved. I’m a big fan of the commissary, but I am not a big fan of their hours or days open. Whoever decided that Mondays should be closed at select commissaries (i.e. 29 Palms, North Pendleton, Barstow, Cherry Point, Parris Island, etc) should be fired. Many of us military families go out of town for the weekend and come back to an empty fridge. I’ve spend thousands of dollars out in town that could have been spent at the commissary simply because I did not have a choice. Even closing the commissary on a Tuesday would be a better idea a Monday. End Rant.
I’m glad to see that the commissary is moving forward with the times and trying to stay competitive with others utilizing electronic coupons. Do you coupon? Do you think the Rewards Card is a good solution for the commissary?
I have tried my rewards card three times and each time there was not one coupon for my grocery list!! And I cannot find the list of coupons, I have to get it scanned while at the commissary