Twenty years ago, Stephanie Hanson Caisse began a remarkable journey when, at the age of 26, she discovered her birth father – Corpsman Gary Young – was killed in a medevac helicopter crash in Vietnam while serving with Marine unit HMM-364. With only his obituary to start with, Stephanie embarked on a journey that not only changed her life, but the lives of countless others, now chronicled in two fascinating books.
A Corpsman’s Legacy, shares her journey to find out about her father and how he died. Literally thousands of Marines and Corpsmen contact her to share their experiences about a time that shaped their lives forever. Christy Sauro, author of The Twins Platoon stated it is “one of the best books I’ve ever read…I could hardly put the book down.”
Her second book, A Corpsman’s Legacy Continues, picks up right where the first one ends and uncovers even more information about her father and his crewmembers. She also follows HMM-364 to Iraq as a new generation of Marines goes to war, including a stunning twist of fate that ties the Vietnam and Iraq wars together like never before.
Corpsman John Little says of both books that “…the author has the ability to pull you and your emotions into the story…a wonderful bridge between the past and present.”
Woven throughout the books is the power of one man’s legacy to heal the wounds of war. Stephanie helps veterans open up and realize that through all the heartache, there is light at the end of the tunnel. These books are a must-read for any veteran, as well as their families – a magnificent account of our heroes who serve to save the lives of others.
Her books are available in paperback and on Kindle. Visit her website at for details.
I would love to read these! Even if I don’t win, I would try and buy them.
Semper Fi and God Bless!
Jack Wise