Home Marriage & Family FY 15 Re-enlistment bonuses are out

FY 15 Re-enlistment bonuses are out


2015 Marine Corps Reenlistment bonusesFirst-term Marines looking to change their military occupational specialty or re-enlist in the same MOS in fiscal year 2015 can receive bonuses of up to $51,000 across 106 jobs.

According to the FY 2015 Selective Re-enlistment Bonus Program, there is an increase in bonuses available to ‘Zone A’ Marines or Marines with 17 months to six years of service.

$51,000 bonuses are available to the top five low-density, high-demand jobs: 0211 counterintelligence/human intelligence specialist, 0321 reconnaissance man, 0372 critical skills operator, 0689 cyber security technician and 2336 explosive ordnance disposal technician.

Some of the lesser known MOSs are 0372 and 0211. Critical skills operators are Marines who execute missions under Marine Special Operations Command and cyber security technicians are involved in planning and conducting counter and human intelligence operations.

Certain jobs are extremely competitive with the draw down happening,” said Gunnery Sgt. James Waldvogel, the career planner for Headquarters and Support Battalion, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.

For example, approximately 400 Marines are submitting re-enlistment packages in the administration field, but there are only 200 boat spaces available, meaning 200 Marines are going to be forced to make a lateral move into another job field or leave the Corps.

Tier-1 Marines, the top 10% in a given MOS, are able to submit re-enlistment packages first and the packages have no required waiting period to be submitted. A Marine’s tier is based on the scores of the personal fitness test, combat fitness test, proficiency marks, conduct marks, rifle qualification and the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program belt levels in relation to the rest of the Marines in a given MOS.

When a Marine is not retained in their primary MOS, it is possible to lateral move into a low-density high-demand job as long as they are qualified.

“I would advise a first-term Marine lateral moving to hit what I call the ‘trifecta’,” said Waldvogel. “If you are a careerist, focus on finding a job that will transfer well into a civilian job 20 years down the road, promote fast and provide the biggest bonuses upon each re-enlistment.”

A careerist is usually only in their late 30s to early 40s when they retire, this is the best way to set yourself up for success in life.”

For exact bonus amounts, by rank and MOS, refer to this year’s SRB MARADMIN MCBUL 7220. By Cpl. Keenan Zelazoski | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | October 03, 2014

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