Home Marriage & Family New Dental Program Coming to Military Families

New Dental Program Coming to Military Families


Did you know that we are losing United Concordia? We are transitioning to Metropolitan Life (Met Life) beginning May 1, 2012. This comes with some definite benefits.

Met Life Dental Benefits


  1. An increase in the lifetime orthodontic allowance has been increased from $1,500 to $1,750.
  2. An increase in the annual maximum allowance from $1,200 to $1,300
  3. New coverage of posterior resin (white) fillings.
  4. An additional $1,200 maximum per year for services related to accidents/injuries.
  5. Coverage for additional cleaning for women during pregnancy.
  6. No cost shares for some periodontal services for diabetics.
  7. The first year premiums are below current rates.


We should be expecting a welcome packet sometime between March and April. Included in the packet is their large network of dentists. Some dentists accepting United Concordia may not accept Met Life, so it’s best to make an appointment before the switch if that is the case (if it works with your timeline of benefits).

Photo courtesy of the Hangover.  He’d like the additional accident claim service.

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