Home Giveaways Dear Entitled Military Spouses,

Dear Entitled Military Spouses,


Today I have been shocked and disturbed by those of you who feel inconvenienced as the Sears Heroes at Home Program has tried extending a gift worth millions of dollars to military families. The sheer number of you writing hateful and discouraging posts on Sear’s Facebook wall and other popular military support pages has astounded and disgusted me.

Sears has graciously delivered millions of donations to our active duty military families as a way to say thank you for our service. Many of you may not have noticed, but when you click on the “apply now” link, it takes you to a contracted provider’s link: Centra Promo Group. I imagine that Sears outsourced the service to try and provide a seamless process for us. Yes, there was some confusion and hiccups along the way, but in no way was this Sear’s fault. However, this didn’t stop you from heaving your negativity on their wall, which is truly embarrassing for us all.

For those of you who have aired your complaints about specific ranks being more deserving than others, to you I say that all families who have served in the Armed Forces have sacrificed. Have you considered that many families are supporting their extended families which have been negatively impacted by the economy? What about those families whose children have disabilities or specific issues causing financial strain?

Are we to then start judging all active duty service members based off the number of deployments or hardships that one has faced? What about those who have served in arduous combat through repeated deployments? Does this mean that someone who supports or trains our military forces is less deserving?

The idea of measuring one’s hardships against another’s saddens me deeply. We all have sacrificed one way or another and pitting ourselves against each other is shameful. If you feel that this giveaway is the only way you will be able to provide Christmas presents for your children, put your shoes on and walk towards your nearest Family Readiness building or Support Organization and ask for help. There are online organizations which help families during the holidays as well, including Toys for Tots, Soldier’s Angels, Operation Homefront and more.

To those who are equally embarrassed by this public behavior, please join me in thanking Sears publically by writing on their wall or sending in a letter of thanks.

Semper Fi,


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  1. Wow. What more can anyone say? People are horrid sometimes. Heading over to Sears’ page now to thank them for all of their military support!

  2. We received this gift one year and were totally overwhelmed and so grateful! It makes me sad that people are such complainers….but really doesn’t surprise me. People get real. Thousands of people are trying to log on at the same time to the same website. Of course there are going to be glitches! So irritating. Like you said….if this is what you were depending on for Christmas (?) there are many resources available to help you out. And it is unfortunate that there is such hardship at this time, but that’s not Sears’ fault!

  3. Well said! I headed on over to Sear’s page and thanked them. Shame on these grown adults, this is not an entitlement it’s a gift. I am equally embarrassed.

  4. Hi, Thank you for posting this.. I get soo irritated by so many of the dependants thinking that we should get everything for free or just handed to us. Yes we have hardships, but we sign up for them along with our spouse… it is an HONOR to serve the country.. I serve by supporting my hubby.. Programs like these are a blessing, and SHOULD NOT be looked at as an entitlement. If these people need more help, I agree 110% with you about going down to the family rediness office.. or to online sources.. Or prehaps get a job? look for things your child can use on clearance throu out the year.. we have done this since forever, and it helps.Or have a yardsale and use that money for Christmas… Oh well some people just need to relax and be thankfull for what they DO have. Thanks agian for your post!!

  5. Every year, EVERY Year, this goes on. and EVERY year we say how terrible it is. and still… it goes on. I almost wish Sears would stop the program! because the disgusting behaviour, the revolting everyone owes me” attitude – gives the worst impression of our community.

  6. Beautifully written, Kristine! I’ll admit, I was upset last year when Sears made everyone re-do the application, but it was a technical error and no one’s fault. I felt honored that they would do such a thing to help my family along with so many others. This is a wonderful program and I wish that ALL spouses would see that this is a GIFT and not an entitlement. My family will miss out because of my schooling this year, but I hope that a family who needs it got it instead of us!


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