Home News Cash set aside for Marine re-up bonuses is running out quickly for...

Cash set aside for Marine re-up bonuses is running out quickly for 33 MOSs

An explosive ordnance disposal technician undergoes the decontamination process after leak, seal, package and decontamination training April 21 at the gas chamber on Camp Hansen, Okinawa. Explosive ordnance disposal technicians and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense specialists placed a leaking ordnance package in the gas chamber, using chlorobenzylidene malonitrile, also known as tear gas, to simulate the emission of harmful gases.  The EOD technicians and CBRN defense specialists used protective equipment to perform general decontamination of the affected area and prepare the leaking ordnance for safe containment and transport before completing the decontamination process. The training instilled the Marines’ confidence in their safety equipment and procedures used to mitigate CBRN-related hazards. The Marines are with 9th Engineer Support Battalion and Marine Logistics Group Headquarters Regiment, 3rd MLG, III Marine Expeditionary Force.
An explosive ordnance disposal technician undergoes the decontamination process after leak, seal, package and decontamination training April 21 at the gas chamber on Camp Hansen, Okinawa. 

A recently signed MARADMIN indicates that certain jobs in areas like intelligence, aircraft maintenance, and combat arms field will no longer be eligible for bonuses by mid-April.

Military occupational specialties that have met their boat space goals for fiscal 2016 will have this year’s Selective Re-enlistment Bonuses suspended by April 10.

Marines in the 33 MOS’s on the list must act immediately if they want to cash in on selective re-up bonuses,” the Marine Corps Times reported.

The end of the drawdown triggered a series of administrative moves — and this is one of them.

The Times reported last month that as the Corps “closes in on the end of a years-long drawdown that involved shedding thousands of troops annually, there aren’t as many leathernecks to fill some of the most vital roles in the service.”

For this reason, high-demand and understaffed fields like reconnaissance and explosive ordinance disposal held steady with bonuses topping out at $51,000. A $59,000 bonus available to cyber security technicians is the highest payout. First-term Marines will only be eligible for bonuses in 55 MOSs this fiscal year.

The SRB amount represents a four-year commitment. The Times reports that as SRBs have declined, early-out programs have essentially shut down.

The list provided in the March 11 MARADMIN is broken down into SRB’s that will soon close for Zone A Marines, or those in their first term–  and for Zone B Marines — those with 6-10 years of service.

On a more positive note, promotions have picked up in recent years. The selection of 4,274 staff sergeants last year was the second highest in a decade. Next month, the Corps plans to select close to 1,700 Marines for promotion to gunnery sergeant.

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