Home Marine Corps Bases Bridgeport California Marine Corps MWTC Military Housing for Bridgeport Marine Corps Base

Military Housing for Bridgeport Marine Corps Base




Housing Rentals off Base for Marine Corps Base Bridgeport

Should I rent housing at Bridgeport Marine Corps Base? There are not too many home rentals for military in the area. The BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing for Bridgeport Base is zip 93517). If you plan on working or will want your children going to larger schools, you will probably want to live off base in Minden or Gardnerville. This would be about a 45 minute commute for your spouse to get to work.

You will be responsible for paying your own utilities which can be quite high when it’s really cold outside and you may be responsible for snow removal. The schools are better in Minden and Gardnerville. There is a lot of snow in this area for many months of the year. A 4×4 or all wheel drive is a good vehicle to have.


You do receive an allowance if you live in base housing similar to COLA in Bridgeport; COLA stands for Cost of Living (93517). They give you a stipend depending on your rank and dependents because the cost of living is so much higher than in the states. You’ll receive this in your paycheck and can range from $92-$212 or approximately 35% of your base salary. This is given out on a monthly basis.

Military Housing on Bridgeport Marine Corps Base

Click to view photos, floorplans and maps of Bridgeport Military Housing Marine Corps Base

You may want to live at base housing when stationed at Bridgeport. The housing is approximately 18 miles south of the base in its own community called Coleville. The housing on base is nice, basic utilities are free and friends are right next door. Nextel is the only cellular service that works out here and there is no cellular service on the base of Bridgeport itself. Check the waiting list. Of course living on base always has its own set of problems, which are consistent with every other base in the Marine Corps.

All officer and enlisted housing is in a neighborhood of approximately 100 homes, about 20 minutes from the actual base of Bridgeport. There is a 2 pet maximum. No washers and dryers come with base housing. Lincoln Military serves this community and it goes above and beyond to make it a nice place to live. The community center offers a computer with fast internet, a telephone, copy machine and fax machine for resident use. There is an indoor basketball court, small gym, kitchen and game room in the community center.

There are quite a few playgrounds, a small mini exchange as well as an 80’x30′ heated, indoor pool. There’s also a small storage facility at housing.


Utility Companies

Make sure you shop around before deciding on a specific vendor for your needs.

Cell Phones now work in Bridgeport!

  • Verizon works in Coleville, but has 4G service on the base.
  • Sprint also works in Coleville and on base.

Frontier (home phone): 855-474-2403

Dish Network (satellite cable and ‘Wild Blue’ internet): 800-333-3474

Direct TV (satellite cable and ‘Wild Blue’ internet): 800-347-3288

Hughes.net (satellite internet): 888-892-2434

Wild Blue (satellite internet) (855) 627-2554

Schat.net (satellite internet): 760-873-4733 (I’ve been told this service is the fastest)  Many are able to use Netflix and download movies and TV with this service.