Home Marine Corps Bases Barstow Marine Corps Logistics Base Military Housing for Barstow Marine Corps Base

Military Housing for Barstow Marine Corps Base




Barstow Base Map and Barstow Yermo Map

Housing Rentals Off Base for Barstow Marine Corps Base

The BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing for Barstow Marine Corps Base zip 92311) is pretty good here if you want to consider living out in town. You may find a better school district if you live further away from base. Make sure you ask questions because things change quickly. Many think that this is a great place to buy a home because the housing is much more affordable than many other places around the country. But buyer beware… there are a ton of break-ins on a regular occurrence. Our local paper, The Desert Dispatch, publishes all of the Sheriff’s calls (not online, in the paper version only). Check it out for yourself. If you are committed to buying, research where the Sheriff’s calls go on a regular basis and avoid those areas!

Marine Corps Family Teambuilding recommends off base housing in a community called ‘Silver Lakes’ located in Helendale, Ca.  The schools are good there (note that there are only three schools in that district).

Utility Costs

Remember that utilities in California are spendy. It is not uncommon to have a $400 electric bill in the summer. And do your research. A swamp cooler is not air conditioning. Swamp coolers are cheaper to run because they emit small particles of water into the air to cool it down. This type of system typically fails June thru August because it is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


Rumor has it that the California Penitentiary System ships out criminals and pedophiles to the Barstow area because of the low cost of living. Is it true? I can’t pinpoint hard evidence that says yes it is, but there are a huge number of criminals and pedophiles out town because of the lower cost of living. It is worse than 29 Palms, if you can believe it! Again, check it out for yourself. Megan’s Law. City Search: Barstow (San Bernardino County) or Zip: 92311

Popular military rental cities outside of Barstow Marine Corps Base


Many spouses want to have lots of amenities at their fingertips, so they consider moving to Victorville. This is generally a 30 minute drive to get on base and isn’t recommended simply because you lack your greatest asset and that is other wives. No one will ever understand what you’re going through than another military gal. However, you may find that the schools are better depending where you live.


Barstow is right next to the Marine Corps base so many want to move out in town. It’s up to you if you want to do that, but you may miss out on some of the close-knit community on goings simply by being away. Beware of moving into the right area and avoid the older sections of town. Do your research by checking where sheriff’s calls are. You may however, find a great home for the price!


On Base Military Housing for Barstow

The housing on base is all new or recently remodeled. Some complain that the housing is quite small, but the utilities are free and friends are right next door. This is a very small base and those friendships will flourish with the other spouses on base. Guaranteed!

Of course living on base always has its own set of problems, which are consistent with every other base in the Marine Corps.

All homes can have two common pets. If you have a dog that is considered potentially dangerous, you may only have one. These include Pit Bulls, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Doberman pinschers, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Chow Chows.

Everyone must contact the MCLB Command before getting off-base housing. Once cleared through the command, you will be advised to contact Linda Giles at the Ft Irwin Housing Referral Office at 760-830-3576 for information and housing referrals.

Click for waiting list, housing floorplans and photo tours.

Desert View: E1-O3 Housing. This housing is just off the main gate and up towards the windmill. You will actually cross over the I-40 Freeway to get there. All of these homes are newer attached homes and have one car garages. There’s also a community center with pool table, big screen TV and movie chairs, as well as the housing office and lots of information to pick up. There’s a playground for children, but no swimming pool. The officer housing is all on one street. Enlisted housing makes up the majority of the neighborhood.

Club Street: O4-O5, W4-W5 Housing. This housing area is off the main street next to the Oasis Pool and Clubhouse. All of these homes have fenced yards and two car garages.

Relocation Assistance Program

Click for information, phone numbers and request a relocation packet or Welcome Aboard Online.