Home Authors Posts by Teresa


Teresa Mizusawa is an active duty Marine Wife in the midst of her second deployment. She has been married over three years and has been in love for almost six. Her Marine joined the Corps two months after they wed and insists that at times she is jealous of the Corps since she had him first! She remains a steadfast spouse who is faithful to her love, the Corps and her country. Teresa started writing with the hope that she may be able to share with others what being a military wife is like, and possibly shed some light into what this life is all about. She hopes that you enjoy reading her posts and that they bring you some solace and inspiration no matter where you are in your life. You can find more of her writing on her personal blog Semper Fi Gypsy.

Working Out While Pregnant: Tips and Lessons Learned

I am currently seventeen weeks pregnant, this is important to share because my goal in writing this is to encourage other expectant or soon...

Gypsy Has Orders

Sometimes if you want change, you have to resign yourself to normalcy. It never seems to fail that as soon as you give up...

Heroes: Granite Mountain Hot Shots

I am a firm believer that anyone who puts the needs and safety of others above his or her own safety and security, on...

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

As we move into summer, I want to take a moment to discuss something that is very important to me, not only because I...

Prepping for Military Spouses: How I’ve Dealt with Uncertainty in the...

I am the perpetual planner. More often than not my planning makes my husband crazy, because more often than not, plans change. But what...

To Stay Or Go: The Pre-Deployment Dilemma

As a military spouse one of the biggest pre-deployment decisions I’ve had to make was whether I should stay or go: home that is....

Moving from Numbness During a Deployment to a Happy Homecoming

As deployments wind down and homecomings start approaching it begins to feel like a mad dash to the finish. All of a sudden, the...

The When Question: Dropping the Baby Bomb

I am twenty-four years old, I have been married to my Marine since I was twenty and we haven’t yet started a family, or...

Why I Love Being Cable Free

We thought long and hard when considering whether or not to purchase cable or satellite TV after my husband returned from his first deployment....

Sketching the Drawdown: A Profile of RB Portraits

As I walked through the halls and up the stairs of the headquarters building for my husband’s battalion for the first time, I was...