Home Authors Posts by Christi


Toys for Tots: Learn More About This Amazing Program

Once upon a time, there was a hero… not just any hero, but a special kind of hero. He was a man who gave...

Volunteering: Why It Matters

Volunteering. For some, it’s just something to do during the holidays as a way to pay it forward for the blessings you've received. For others, it’s...

Military Spouse Rules to Live By: Spoken and Unspoken

Alright ladies, let’s be honest for a second. Our man in uniform is a beautiful sight. One that gets the attention of just about...

Military Matters: Saying Thanks for Military Spouse Appreciation Day

There’s a lot to be said about the bond women share. From late night secrets to early morning coffee dates, we keep each other...

Staying home for Spring Break? Here’s 8 tips for a great...

Spring break is just around the corner and if you’re one of the many families opting to have a “Staycation” this year, you might...

The Ugly Truth Behind Military Spouse Unemployment

It’s not uncommon to hear civilian and military outsiders weighing in on the lifestyles of military families. This really can range from family size, to...